As our first term of Rovers Family Fun is coming to an end we're so happy with how the project has been going. Thanks to Wakefield Families Together we have been able to provide free information, resources and activities to families.
The weekly sessions have consisted of a mix of cooking and baking with healthy recipes where everyone gets involved, whether it be peeling, chopping or washing up. We also run quizzes, games, crafts and other family bonding activities. Attendees are sent home with a booklet containing more activities they can do together in their free time at no cost and information on how to access their local family hub.
The currently attending families have loved the sessions and we've had some fantastic feedback both in person and on social media:
"can’t wait for more of these with the boys corn beef hash made and both of them loved it"

We've had families tell us how happy they are that their children have been willing to try new foods after cooking it together and some have gone on to say that they will continue cooking as a family together at home after discovering how stress free and fun it can be.
You can find out more and book onto our second term of the family fun project via our booking form.
One of the key points of this project has been to bring families together and make them aware of the support that is available to them. If you would like to find out more about your local family hub you can find more information on https://www.wakefieldfamiliestogether.co.uk/family-hubs/

Our local family hub at Featherstone is the Oakhill Hub on Hardwick Road.
Visit the Wakefield Families Together Website: