Featherstone Rovers Foundation are hosting a Launch Evening for potential players for their Learning Disability Rugby League Team on Monday 20th March at 6pm in the clubhouse at the Millennium Stadium. Featherstone Rovers have been delivering Learning Disability Rugby League for a long time, even before it became a variation of the sport. The Foundation have had a long standing partnership with Millennium Support, who are an organisation who support adults with Learning difficulties through their assisted living services and resource centres. For many years the people accessing support have enjoyed weekly Rugby League based sessions lead by Rovers coaches and first team player Craig Hall.
Amy Hardman, Head of Foundation said ‘We are thrilled to be able to have a more specific playing offer for this fantastic group of people. A few years ago a participant once said that his dream was to play for Featherstone Rovers, we are now making those wishes come true. The team represented the mighty Rovers at some fantastic sporting events last year including the Super League Magic Weekend at St James Park in Newcastle. We would urge anyone wanting to find out more about what we have to offer, training and playing opportunities, registering and the rules of the game.
Millenium Support strengthened their partnership when they took over the Stadium naming rights in February 2020 and Steven Clough, their CEO joined the FR RLFC Board of Directors. Steven will be a guest speaker on the night.
Potential players can just attend on the night however if you have any queries before the event please contact foundation.admin@featherstonerovers.co.uk
alternatively you can register your interest by following the link: https://forms.gle/EVrx6K8VNyU7zyMt8